Pittman Dental Laboratory Blog

Dental implants can offer several benefits that can positively impact a person's health. Here are 7 ways dental implants can improve overall health:

Posted by Bill Williams on Sep 4, 2023 6:00:00 AM
Bill Williams
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Dental implants can offer several benefits that can positively impact a person's health. Here are 7 ways dental implants can improve overall health:


  1. Restored Chewing Function: Dental implants are designed to function like natural teeth, providing a strong and stable foundation for biting and chewing. By restoring proper chewing function, implants allow individuals to enjoy a wider variety of foods and improve their overall nutrition.

Before and after images and implant proceedure provided by Dr. Preston Poole in Anderson, South Carolina.


Before and after images and implant proceedure provided by Dr. Preston Poole in Anderson, South Carolina.


  1. Preservation of Jawbone: When a tooth is lost, the underlying jawbone can start to deteriorate over time. Dental implants stimulate the jawbone through the process of osseointegration, where the implant fuses with the bone. This stimulation helps preserve the jawbone structure and prevent bone loss, maintaining the facial structure and preventing a sunken appearance.


  1. Improved Speech: Missing teeth can affect speech by causing slurring or mumbling. Dental implants replace missing teeth, enabling individuals to speak more clearly and confidently.
Before and after images and implant proceedure provided by Dr. Preston Poole in Anderson, South Carolina.
Before and after images and implant proceedure provided by Dr. Preston Poole in Anderson, South Carolina.


  1. Enhanced Oral Health: Unlike traditional dental bridges, dental implants do not require reducing or altering adjacent healthy teeth for support. This preserves the natural tooth structure and improves long-term oral health. Additionally, implants are easier to clean compared to other tooth replacement options, reducing the risk of gum disease and decay.


  1. Increased Self-Confidence: Dental implants provide a natural-looking and permanent solution for missing teeth. They can significantly enhance a person's smile and overall facial appearance, boosting self-confidence and self-esteem.


  1. Improved Comfort and Convenience: Dental implants are fixed in the mouth and eliminate the discomfort and inconvenience associated with removable dentures. Once the implants are integrated, they become a part of the jawbone and function like natural teeth.
Before and after images and implant proceedure provided by Dr. Preston Poole in Anderson, South Carolina.
Before and after images and implant proceedure provided by Dr. Preston Poole in Anderson, South Carolina.
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  1. Longevity and Durability: With proper care and oral hygiene, dental implants can last a lifetime, making them a long-term solution for tooth replacement. This durability eliminates the need for frequent replacements or adjustments, providing convenience and peace of mind.


PSS-Capture-Brochure-CoverFocal Point Brochure CoverIt's important to note that dental implants may not be suitable for everyone. The eligibility for dental implants depends on various factors, such as overall health, bone density, and oral hygiene. Pittman Dental Laboratory provides consulting, plan reports and chairside support for Doctors using our Capture® and Focal Point® guides with their patients. We will help a qualified dentist or oral surgeon determine if dental implants are the right option for an individual's specific case.

Topics: Dental Implants, Oral Surgeon, Focal Point, Guided surgery, All on X